AI/MT Post-Editing

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MT Post-Editing

Machine translation (MT) has historically received negative feedback as it often proved to be more of a distraction than a helpful tool when used in conjunction with translation memory (TM).

However, the emergence of Neural Machine Translation (NMT) technology has sparked a paradigm shift, offering astonishing results that instill hope for a new era of translation.


MTPE involves the process of reviewing and editing machine-translated content to improve its accuracy, fluency, and overall quality. After the initial translation is generated by a machine translation system, a human post-editor intervenes to refine the output and ensure that the translation meets the desired standards. The post-editor corrects errors, improves sentence structure, adjusts terminology, and ensures the translation is contextually appropriate. 

GTP Post-Editing

GPT is an advanced language generation model developed by OpenAI, and GPT post-editing specifically refers to the process of editing and refining text generated by GPT-based language models.

GPT models are trained on a vast amount of text data and can generate coherent and contextually relevant content. However, they may still produce errors, inconsistencies, or output that requires modification for specific purposes. GPT post-editing involves reviewing and adjusting the generated text to ensure accuracy, coherence, and alignment with the desired objectives. This process involves making corrections, clarifying ambiguities, refining the style, and tailoring the content to suit the intended audience.

When performing post-editing, post-editors must address a variety of issues to ensure the translated content meets high standards of accuracy, fluency, and appropriateness such as linguistic accuracy, terminology consistency, cultural appropriateness, style and tone, local conventions, ambiguity and clarity, cohesion and coherence, legal and regulatory compliance, technical accuracy, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), feedback loop, ethical considerations.


Recent case studies

Amazon trusted us in our machine translation post-editing services.

Our project managers are committed to identify, book and assign ideally specialized post-editors to your projects.

Contact Us to Learn How Our Machine Translation Post Editing Services Can Help!